Monday, 11 July 2011

A collection of semi-related ideas

Today, I thought I'd just set down most of the projects and thoughts that are floating around inside my head, in the hope that it'll help me think more clearly about them. Most of these should be accomplish-able over the summer.

Quadrotor: Parts are on the way. Not much that can be done before they arrive, really. The only real priority is ensuring we can work in the Mills Centre (or failing that, finding a place to work).We do still need to find a good set of 4 blades (and a set of spares too).

Game: I'm getting there. Perhaps too slowly. The aim is to have a completely deterministic client-server system, running at 5-10hz for gameplay (variable depending on latency?), 60hz+ for graphics/rendering/motion. Whilst that's entirely possible, my knowledge currently doesn't cover skeletal animation or some of the newer OpenGL techniqies, and I need to work out a good model for handling gameplay on server, and resources and data on the client. My audio plan is also limited, and requires OpenAL to be installed manually, which is a pain.

DT: Check money for parts - need to go to bank.

3D printer: Ditto.

BlackBerry: Why do I have to boot up an XP VM just to sync or back up my phone? Ridiculous as a solution. RIM, I expected more. I can't really solve this though. Plus, waiting on my network to enable BBM and push email.

Sites: img - not viable? VW - in progress/ Scopegames - waiting on domain.

Fixing crap: iPhone needs doing. iPod Touch is awaiting parts. The DVD drive is being very odd indeed. Laptop is a lost cause?

Anything else I've mentioned on here (plasma balls, vlog) - suspended indefinitely either for practical reasons or apathy. So sue me. Or slap me. But bear in mind that you haven't posted this week...

Tidying up: The less said the better. I know there's a floor around here somewhere....
Lists: the procrastinator's alternative to actually producing something.

1 comment:

  1. :-)
    Sounds like my to-do list... Lots of stuff, too little time (and energy nowadays :-) )
