Monday, 8 August 2011

Back in the UK

The timelapse and images promised are in the process of being uploaded, and I'm suffering from a fairly bad headache, so this will become a fully-fledged post tomorrow. Return in 18 hours. That's an order, soldier.

Edit: OK, so the above might have been an exaggeration. I have made the timelapse but it's suffered from compression or rendering glitches. I shall re-render in something other than AE in the near future and post back. This edit is mainly to show what little progress I've actually made on the game:

If you look carefully at the full-size image you might be able to see the cube-ness of it (the lack of more than one colour deprives it of any real "shape" as such). It might not seem like much but it is perspective-ly correct (only the most technical of terms for you dedicated readers), and so means that there are no maths-related errors, anywhere in my code. It's also the beginning of a completely deferred pipeline (which means that lighting complexity is independent of geometric complexity, which is a huge benefit for complex scenes with lots of lights).

Edit 2:
So I added some colour, and it turns out my maths might not be so perfect after all:
I appear to be missing a face.
Bugs shall be fixed and a basic engine shall be running by next post. If I stop being lazy.

That one picture warranted staying up until 5:43AM? YES!

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